Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My mom the Superhero

Anyone who has ever met my mom knows that she has a clever way of doing a million things at once. In fact if she doesn't have 8 projects going on at once, I start to worry. I am baffled by her ability to raise three kids (under the age of 6) at the age of 28, alone! Never mind the challenges she faced, like, driving us around LA to do appraisals in 100 degree weather while Ashley and I puked in the backseat of her boss's Ferrari, which there really wasn't a backseat. Or how we got stranded in Washington D.C. because we didn't have enough change for the toll road. The fact is she raised 3 kids and did it all. We went all over the place, theme parks, Florida, Mexico, curises. There was never a dull moment in that family. I think she must have been born with some super human powers.

I, on the other hand, was born human and am beginning to fall apart. It's not good. I'm an emotional wreck.

My husband has been away for four weeks and has 3 more to go. He is in training for management and only gets to come home on Sundays. So, for the time being I am a single mom. He hates that I say that, but it's true. It's just me and Huddy and it is SO hard! Getting out of the house is a Huge accomplishment. Every time I turn around there is something to do. I feel like I'm constantly working and always two steps behind. I just can't catch up!

The other day I had to take him with me to the vet. Which was rough because I am still figuring out how to walk the dog and push a stroller at the same time. I constantly manage to get the leash tangled in the wheels or albeit, run over her! Then, yesterday, while I was sick, I had to take him with me to the dermatologist to get a mole removed. That was interesting. Huddy and I both laid on the table together. I was trying to entertain the baby while the doctor cut into my back with a knife!

I haven't told many people this, but I guess here's my announcement. My husband and I are buying a house! Something that I will be thrilled about when everything is done. It is in beautiful San Carlos where I work and we are half way through escrow. But this is another thing that is driving me crazy. Everyday there is so much to do! Before I get out of bed (at 6am) there is a list of 50 things to do! And I'm doing it all by myself. (Well, I was until I broke down on the phone with my mom and she decided to take over..thanks mom!)

Furthermore, I go back to work tomorrow and am pressured to get the house in somewhat of a livable state. Wouldn't want the nanny canceling after the first day. So here I am, vacuuming with baby in arm, trying to do laundry, clean up animal hair, and ready to head out to the grocery store so it looks like I eat.

On top of this, I was sick yesterday and my husband switched his day off to stay home and take care of me and the baby. Thank God, but needless to say, I won't see him for 8 days now. =(

When I was pregnant I had so many people eager to help, but now I feel like there is nobody. My mom has been a HUGE help, but there is only so much she can do since she is so far away. I wish I could just move back in for a bit. Sometimes we just really need our moms!

Mom, I love you!


  1. Omg! Congrats on the house lady!! So proud of you!!
    As far as being a single mom- I get it. Adam is not home 4 entire days of the week. On those days I have to do it all. And that's a very lonely job.

    I hope things get better. I am so excited you started a blog!!!! This is totally going to help you cope. Just keep up with it!! I Lovvve hearing your thoughts so thanks for sharing.

    And yes, we need our moms!! I wish I could be there to help you or just hang out. Miss you tons..

  2. Congrats on the house!!! Just take one day at a time. I was at my wits end when Jayme was born Ryan had to work in Canada for up to 3 weeks at a time (he left 2 weeks after she was born) leaving me solo... my saving grace was a baby wrap,do you have an ergo? sooooooo helpful for getting stuff done around the house, AND gives you an extra 20+lbs of a workout ;-) I am with Christine... blogging helps you cope.

  3. yay for the house!!! I hope things get better girlie - moms have the hardest jobs on earth!! Hang in there and let me know if you need anything! :-)

  4. Thanks guys! It's been a rough and lonely road lately, but I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It helps to know that there are people listening and who can relate! Thanks girls!

  5. girl! I can help! let me know! I drive by your house everyday!
